If you like to meditate on specific thoughts, oracles, words or phrases, think about these comments drawn from previously-channeled sessions with ‘The Band’…


Nothing is separate in this Universe.

The plan will create itself.

Nature is a mirror of the soul’s existence

You are here to do what brings passion and fulfillment to you.

You are the most focused when you let go.

We are here to have a smorgasbord.

As your vision gets larger, the focus gets narrower.


Do not think if you in your thirties, or in your forties, or fifties, sixties, seventies, or eighties that this is it. That I’m just going to plod along until finally there is no more life in the body. No, you have life in your body until you take the last breath and then the body says Adios, but the spirit is still alive. The spirit that resides in you, that part that right now is in dependence.

Previous Quotes from ‘The Band’ to Ponder